2022 Georgia Student Voting Summit
Find everything you need in one click! Visit https://linktr.ee/gastudentvotingsummit22
Join us for our 2nd annual Georgia Student Voting Summit done in partnership with Georgia Shift and New Georgia Project. Our mission is to inspire civic engagement through community partnerships highlighting collective action through a range of mediums that encourage voter participation. The hybrid format for this year's summit includes a virtual confernce with panels & workshops + an in-person keynote reception with a keynote panel of student organizers, networking opportuntiies, and more!
Day 1: September 23rd, 2022, Virtual Conference 9:00am-4:30pm, Location: Zoom. Check out the Virtual Conference Schedule
Day 2: September 24th, 2022, Keynote Reception from 6:00-9:00pm, Location: Morehouse College in Atlanta, GA. Check out the Keynote Reception Schedule
- Travel Stipends: Travel Stipends are avaialble for students attending the in-person Keynote Reception. Please visit HERE to complete an application form.
- Accesibility Request: If you have any virtual or in-person accesibility needs please visit HERE to complete a request form.
- Join the Georgia Student Voting Summit Slack Channel